Stack the Shelves: June 10, 2017

* Stacking the Shelves Saturdays is a meme hosted by Tynga over at Tynga’s Reviews. Every Saturday, bloggers can showcase new additions – whether that’s to a physical shelf, a virtual shelf, or even your TBR!
Personally, I came across this meme over on howling libraries and decided it would be a cool addition to my own blog. So thanks for sharing, Destiny! *



So I haven’t added any books to my physical or virtual shelves this week – as I’m a broke babe lately. So this week’s meme is going to have to focus on TBR since I don’t have much else to offer!


Wintersong and Shadowsong by S Jae. Jones

24763621uploadsimage201768f992f574-ad9a-47d7-bf57-9215410a92bb-pjimageSo Wintersong has actually been in the back of my mind for a little bit now. But after seeing the cover reveal for Shadowsong the other day, they’ve jumped closer to the forefront of my TBR list. Man are these covers pretty. I’ve heard mixed reviews for the first novel, and I can’t wait to snag them for my shelves here at home regardless. I actually just watched Labyrinth for the first time in my life recently for an anthro assignment (weird, right?), so I’m interested to see what the author’s take on Jareth is. Is his name even Jareth in this book? Someone enlighten me!


The Goblins of Bellwater by Molly Ringle

33973968Why not stick with a theme, right? I was actually just scrolling through my Goodreads and came across this little gem. The cover is gorgeous and it’s supposed to be a creepy, enchanting fantasy novel set in Washington state. So basically, it’s creepy goblin-Twilight. I can’t wait. The release date is October 2017, but I’m going to snoop around and see if I can find an ARC somewhere.

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